In assessing materiality, ST Engineering considers factors that impact our businesses and our stakeholders, from both the financial and non-financial perspectives. Our key stakeholders include customers, employees and other workers, local communities, suppliers and collaborators, shareholders and investors, and regulators and governments.

ST Engineering has 10 material factors across 4 pillars of sustainability – economic, environmental, social and governance.



Economic Performance & Productivity


We are committed to delivering a sustainable and balanced triple bottom line of “People, Planet, Profit” through the integration of sustainability with our business, operations, community impact, productivity, and returns to our shareholders.

We are committed to paying our share of taxes wherever we operate, and the transparent reporting of what we pay.

Governance and Framework

The Group’s economic performance is driven by the EXCO and is overseen by the Board. The Board meets quarterly to review our financial performance. The Strategy and Finance Committee (SFC) reviews the Group’s strategy in the evolving context of global trends and developments biannually. They are supported by our core corporate functions, including Group Finance and Group Strategy and Sustainability Office (GSSO).

The Group’s productivity efforts are driven by our top management and extends to employees throughout the Group. The Group Continuous Improvement (CI) office provides a coordinated approach to enhancing CI activities. Guided by our Group CI and Innovation framework, CI practitioners work with CI Councils to provide on-site deployment guidance. We embed CI activities into our day-to-day operations to drive productivity.


Environmental Protection


We are committed to a pathway toward net zero and target to halve our absolute Scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions by 2030 compared to a 2015 base year. We strive to optimise use of resources such as water and energy, minimise waste and pollution, and be part of the circular economy.

Governance and Framework

The Group’s environmental protection efforts are overseen by the Operations Excellence Specialist Team (OEST) for Environment. OEST (Environment) supports the Operations Excellence Steering Committee (OESC) Chairman who reports to the OESC Executive Sponsor. Currently, our OESC Executive Sponsor concurrently holds the positions of Group Chief Operating Officer (COO) (Operations Excellence), President of Commercial Aerospace and Group EXCO member. 

OEST (Environment) comprises representatives from each business area and spearheads key environmental initiatives across topics such as GHG Emissions, Energy, Water and Waste and are guided by our Environment Policy and Environmental Pledge.

Overall Approach to Environmental Protection

Shaping Our Culture

We believe that every member of our organisation plays a role in our sustainability journey. Hence, it is critical to cultivate an environmentally conscious culture among our employees and help shape behaviours at our workplaces and the communities we live in. 

ST Engineering facilitates this culture through various environmental initiatives for our employees. These include commemorating international environmental events with awareness-raising webinars, tree planting and waterway cleanup activities, sharing infographics on World Environment Day and World Cleanup Day, and putting up posters around our facilities that remind ourselves to conserve resources and care for our environment. 

ST Engineering will continue to foster and strengthen a culture of sustainability and empowerment to care for the environment and achieve our environmental goals. 

TCFD Approach

Read more about how we approach climate change here


People Excellence


We are committed to investing in people development and building a steady pipeline of STEM talent to help us achieve our aspiration of becoming a global technology, defence and engineering powerhouse.
Read more about our Commitment.

Governance and Framework

The Group Chief Human Resources Officer and the HR leadership team oversee the people policies and practices to create a positive workplace culture that aligns with the Company's corporate aspiration, mission and core values. The Group Chief Human Resources Officer reports directly to the Group President & CEO. He works closely with the Board, the Group EXCO and senior management to advise them on global best practices and the implementation of the Group’s people policies.

Our Compensation and Benefits Framework is reported to the Board’s Executive Resource and Compensation Committee. The Executive Resource and Compensation Committee has access to consultants to advise on market trends, and compensation and benefits matters. We also work closely with our employee unions on compensation and benefits issues.

Our Engineering Competency Management Framework identifies key competencies of various engineering domains, benchmarks existing technical capability and identifies areas for further development. This will facilitate stronger engineering career pathways in the Group.

Our Group Company Training Committee includes participation from ST Engineering Staff Union (STESU) and provides skills upgrading and retraining programmes for our employees.

Read more


Ethical Business & Regulatory Compliance


We are committed to conducting our business in a responsible manner and comply with all applicable law and regulations including export control, data privacy, trade sanctions and embargoes.

We do not tolerate fraud, bribery, corruption and misconduct across the Group and throughout our supply chain. We are determined to foster and maintain an environment where anyone can report any wrongdoing, in good faith, without the fear of retaliation.

We are committed to not designing, producing or selling antipersonnel mines, cluster munitions and white phosphorous munitions or any of their related key components. Our commitments in relation to human rights are guided by international human rights principles encompassed in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the International Labour Organisation’s Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) and the United Nations (UN) Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. Our policies, operations and relationships with our stakeholders reflect these principles of respecting people’s dignity and their inherent rights.

Governance and Framework

We have a single-tier Board with a majority of Independent Directors. The Board comprises a diverse group of individuals with a broad range of ages and tenures, drawn from various backgrounds and areas of expertise. This diversity fosters a rich tapestry of thought and experience, and ensures a balanced perspective that enriches Board’s discussions and decision-making processes. Consequently, the Board is able to make decisions in the best interests of the Group and all stakeholders. The Board is supported by two Company Secretaries who ensure that board processes and regulatory requirements are followed, while advising on best practices in corporate governance.

Read more about our Board

The Risk and Sustainability Committee (RSC), originally established as the Risk Review Committee (RRC) in 1998, updated its Terms of Reference in 2020 to incorporate responsibilities and oversight for sustainability. The RSC assists the Board in its risk governance responsibility. This ensures that a sound system of controls is in place for identifying and managing risks to safeguard stakeholder interests and the Group’s assets. Additionally, it oversees sustainability issues and their reporting, including those related to climate change. Annually, the RSC updates the Board on its achievements according to its workplan. In addition, the RSC ensures that management communicates all significant risk and control issues promptly to the Board, and remedial actions are taken to minimise lapses. The RSC is supported on risk related matters by the Risk & Assurance (R&A) function which in turn liaises with Risk Champions appointed by the respective business areas and functions.

Read more about our Risk and Sustainability Committee

The R&A function is integral to ensuring that ST Engineering manages its key risks well, complies with applicable regulatory requirements where it operates, and has the appropriate governance and controls in place. Our policies include:

  • Code of Business Conduct and Ethics
  • Gifts and Hospitality Policy
  • Export Control Policy
  • Whistle-Blowing Policy
  • Governance Policies in general

The Group Head, R&A reports to the Group Chief Financial Officer. The R&A function provides leadership in the implementation of a Group-wide ERM framework and ensures the continued adequacy and effectiveness of relevant policies and procedures at all our business areas and functions through regular review and training.

Read more about our Key Risks

The Control Self Assessment (CSA) framework is designed to reinforce control ownership and awareness of key risks across the Group. The primary objective of CSA is to identify significant weaknesses in internal controls and facilitate the formulation of action plans to address any control lapses in a timely manner. Independent controls testing is also conducted by the CSA Champions to assess the adequacy and operating effectiveness of key controls. Action plans are implemented to address any major exceptions identified, commensurate with the risk exposure. The Board receives, at regular intervals, updates from the Board Committees on the key business risks, and Internal Audit (IA) reports on the operational effectiveness of internal controls.

The Group IA function is headed by the Group Head, Internal Audit who reports directly to the Audit Committee (AC). The IA function examines and evaluates the adequacy and effectiveness of the Group’s governance, risk management and internal controls. The Group Head, Internal Audit operates independently.

Read more about our Control Self-Assessment and our Internal Audit function in our Annual Report.

Global Trade Compliance (GTC) Programme and Strengthening Internal Controls

In the world of international trade, responsible operations are not just an obligation but a vital aspect of our business integrity. We recognise the importance of a GTC framework covering key areas in Import/Export Management, Supply Chain Management & Resilience, Risk and Quality Management, so as to maintain trust with stakeholders. This framework enables us to identify, assess and mitigate trade-related risks, ensures required business licenses and permits are obtained and facilitates the implementation of proper protocols for reporting compliance issues.

We are cognisant that an effective trade compliance programme is not just about following the law but about setting a standard for our business to be conducted globally—transparently, ethically, and responsibly. Hence, we maintain high standards of operational discipline through:

  • Recordkeeping: Provides the backbone for accountability, enabling detailed tracking and tracing of all transactions and interactions.
  • Policies and Procedures: Serves as the operational manual for executing each of the key elements, ensuring consistency across the Group.
  • Training and Education: Equips staff with the knowledge and skills required to implement and adhere to the policies and procedures effectively.


                                Global Trade Compliance
