Cyber Threat Intelligence

Cyber Threat Intelligence

Automate Cyber Threat detection with AI

Proactively detecting of cyber threats is essential for maintaining a robust and resilient cybersecurity posture. By gaining insights into the motivations, skills, and tactics of cyber attackers, your organisation can leverage intelligence gathered to implement effective security measures and stay ahead of adversaries. 

Our AI-enabled Cyber Threat Intelligence (CTI) platform fully automates intel translation with natural language processing, delivering valuable insights and actionable intelligence for informed decision-making. 

The custom AI engine automates tasks traditionally performed by analysts and streamlines the collection and analysis of unstructured intelligence from various sources and languages. Pre-trained with industry-wide data, our AI engine ensures high accuracy in threat intelligence. This automation facilitates efficient tagging of collected intelligence, allowing analysts to concentrate on detailed analysis and strategic responses.

Key features

Customisable Data Collection Connector
The platform gathers threat information from various sources, such as email (IMAP), websites (HTTP), and file transfers (FTP). It can handle different file types, including text documents, PDFs, and specific data formats like STIX. This facilitates seamless processing and analysis of diverse datasets.

AI-Enabled Unstructured Data Processing
Our AI engine improves analysts’ productivity by automating the processing of unstructured threat reports, extracting relevant entities and constructing knowledge graphs. This allows analysts to focus on in-depth threat analysis while gaining greater control over their work.

Foreign Language Threat Report Analysis
Our platform ingests and analyses threat data in multiple languages, providing a holistic view of global cyber threats. This capability bridges language barriers and helps your cybersecurity team broaden and deepen their understanding of potential threats.

Bespoke AI Engine for Your Operation
Pre-trained on extensive industry data, our AI engine can be further customised with proprietary data to create a bespoke model tailored specifically for threat intelligence operations.

Customisable Data Dissemination Connector
Beyond standard Structured Threat Information eXpression (STIX) format dissemination over TAXII protocols, our platform accommodates custom data channels and formats, catering to a wide range of operational needs.

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