High-Security Transportation Payment Solutions

High-Security Transportation Payment Solutions

Secure Transport Payments with FIPS-Certified Solutions

We offer FIPS 140-2 Level 3 and Level 4 certified solutions for the transportation sector, addressing the needs of congestion pricing, car parking fees and public transit fare payments. Our customised System on Chip (SoC) and System on Module (SoM) solutions are designed and manufactured to deliver the highest level of security, tailored to meet our customers’ specific application requirements. 

With our in-house expertise, commitment to produce longevity (including end-of-life management) and a robust supplier network, we ensure timely delivery. For more than 15 years, we have delivered secure, scalable, reliable and resilient solutions to our customers. We have a proven track record of maintaining consistent product supply, even during recent global supply chain crises.

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