AI and Data Interoperability

AI and Data Interoperability

Get Actionable Insights and Update Data Management Practices

In today's digital age, data is rapidly generated across various formats. Traditional decision-making relies on tacit knowledge and intuition to anticipate risks and consequences of critical choices. However, with the rise of big data and advanced computing, there are new opportunities for actionable insights. Healthcare organisations increasingly leverage data from legacy systems, new platforms and IoT devices, underscoring the need for effective data governance to integrate and derive value across sources. 

We specialise in developing robust data governance platforms tailored for healthcare, ensuring secure data handling and enabling insightful analytics without compromising compliance. Our AI, Data Analytics, and Machine Learning Operations (MLOps) solutions guide the entire process of developing models, focusing on making the results understandable and enabling AI deployment that can scale as healthcare needs evolve.

Health Claims Data Processing

AI-driven insights streamline health claims and combat fraud

Our Smart Billing and Claims Process solution simplifies health claims with AI and predictive analytics. It uses Optical Character Recognition (OCR) tailored for medical information on claims forms, allowing easy configuration of settings and rules for new treatments and medical codes.

Health Data Hub

Seamless data exchange streamlines hospital operations

We provide:

  • Seamless digital processes for hospitals and payers from admission to discharge and billing
  • Automated pushing of claims data to payers
  • Scalable APIs that payors can easily connect to.
  • Elimination of manual processes with configurable rules and exclusion processes for payers

Merlin AI Virtual Assistant

Empowering AI-driven solutions for documentation and diagnosis

Our advanced technology listens to and understands medical conversations using tailored Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) for healthcare, coupled with Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Machine Learning (ML). It analyses patient conversations and predicts potential illnesses based on symptoms.

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Enterprise Digital