Integrated Soldier Systems

Integrated Soldier Systems

As the future battlefield becomes increasingly complex, constant modernisation and innovations in combat technologies will help warfighters in maximising combat effectiveness and achieving force multiplier effect. These innovations will be scalable, modular and able to integrate with existing personnel and weapons.

To create world-class warfighters that are ready for the future, innovations within the Integrated Soldier Systems (ISS) are designed to enhance four capabilities:

  • Cognitive Superiority
  • Unified Man-unmanned Teaming
  • Enhanced Survivability
  • Smart Lethality

From intelligent solutions that allow us to augment the existing weapon system and create a coordinated network of soldiers, to equipment that increases survivability without compromising agility, we have what it takes to give future warfighters the decisive edge in the digital battlefield. Product offerings from each of the four capabilities work in tandem as part of the force-multiplier effect. This allows future warfighters to execute missions with outmatched intelligence, lethality, survivability, and tactical edge over adversaries.


Cognitive Superiority

Battles are rarely won without intelligence, and we are pushing technological boundaries to accelerate the cycle of gathering, deciphering, processing and understanding information. The ability to make decisions faster than the adversary does is to have Cognitive Superiority.