LeeBoy’s First Internship Program

LeeBoy’s First Internship Program

Let’s hear from Joel and Dawson on their motivations to join LeeBoy as interns and their plans for college

Joel Parrish

How did you become such a hard worker at a young age?

My dad never took any less. Also, I would give a lot of the credit to my high school wrestling coach. He kept us very accountable from an educational, physical, and moral standpoint. I plan to continue this strong suite of mine throughout the rest of my career. Watching some fellow co-workers here at LeeBoy has equally inspired me to do so.

What is your major going to be in college?

Supply Chain. I have seen the importance of this field during my summer career at LeeBoy. I never understood the importance and impact that this position had in manufacturing.

Dawson Cody

What inspired you to obtain a summer job between high school and college?

I worked for my dad, who instilled my diligent work ethic, but decided it was time to work out of the house to see where my interests lie before attending college. I initially wanted to work in the field of Nutrition, but this summer I changed my major to Engineering after being on the job every day.

What do you like most about LeeBoy?

I admire the family culture and how friendly and welcoming everyone is. I plan to stay on as a part-time employee once school starts in the fall. I hope to stay employed in various positions during college and go full time once I graduate.

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