Optimising Traffic Flow and Efficiency

Our AGIL Smart Digital Junction Suite is an advanced urban traffic signal control solution designed to optimise the efficiency of traffic junction network. It supports a new generation of advanced traffic management solutions that caters to a wider range of traffic management’s day-to-day operation needs.

The Smart Digital Junction Suite simplifies traffic control with operator-friendly interfaces, and leverages AI and big data analytics to automate labour-intensive processes and minimise manual (human) intervention.

The control algorithm of the Smart Junction Suite is equipped with self-learning capability (learning from past traffic flow pattern or “on-the-job” learning from real-time data) for adaptive and optimum traffic control.

The Smart Junction Suite consists of three key components:

  • Management Platform - a back office central management software that manages all traffic controllers at each traffic intersection. It also provides user-friendly interfaces for the operators and simplifies workflow.
  • Adaptive Control - leverage artificial intelligent and big data analytics to provide traffic signal timing and strategy for each traffic signal controller. The algorithm coordinates timing and strategy of a network of traffic controllers to achieve global optimisation and strategic coordinated control such as corridor green-wave, emergency vehicle priority and more.
  • Traffic Controller - manage and control the traffic signal at each traffic intersection. While providing control over the localised traffic signal of the intersection, the controller also communicates with the central management system for coordinated operation with other controllers in the vicinity.

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Smart Mobility (Rail and Road)