Soaring into A Career in Aviation

Soaring into A Career in Aviation

As a leading aircraft maintenance, repair and overhaul (MRO) provider, our Commercial Aerospace business has facilities across Asia Pacific that support the region’s growth in flying activities, including three currently operating in China (Guangzhou, Xiamen and Shanghai).

In Guangzhou, our airframe MRO facility recently celebrated its 10th anniversary and opened its fourth hangar. The new hangar not only provides the rising Chinese aviation market with greater capacity in airframe MRO, but will also be used for passenger-to-freighter aircraft conversions!

Amidst these expansion efforts, Yuki Yi, Human Resource & Administrative Manager, supports our workforce by playing a pivotal role overseeing recruitment, compensation and training matters. She also collaborates closely with management on workforce planning, reskilling initiatives, policy formulation and cultural alignment efforts.

Q: Hi Yuki! Could you share with us why you chose to join this industry?

My major in university was Human Resources Management. During my third year, I got selected for an HR internship with a local aerospace MRO organisation. With air travel booming back in those days, I had the opportunity to see different types of aircraft being serviced at my workplace. It was amazing being immersed in such a high-tech environment, and I decided then to grow my HR specialisation with the aviation industry.

Q: What made you decide to embark on a career with us?

My strong interest in the aviation industry led me to explore a career with ST Engineering’s commercial aerospace cluster.  Its expansive global aircraft maintenance network seemed like an ideal environment for building a career in the aviation sector. When I saw an opening for a HR Manager position in 2018, I took a leap of faith and submitted my resume. I’ve been part of ST Engineering since then and I’ve found witnessing its growth alongside mine to be especially rewarding.

Q: How has ST Engineering contributed to your professional development?

Working in a global organisation like ST Engineering can be really enriching, as I get to interact with colleagues from different countries. For example, I recently attended the Singapore Airshow in Singapore and had a chance to catch up with colleagues there in person. The constant exposure to diverse working styles and cultural practices broadens my own perspective towards work and life, and enables me to be a more well-rounded HR professional.

Q: What are you most proud of at work?

I take immense pride in the resilience of our HR team, who’s always ready to bravely tackle any challenges head-on. This was put to the test during the Covid-19 pandemic period, where we worked tirelessly to settle transportation and accommodation needs for employees affected. It was a tough time for everyone, but we made it through.

Q: What advice do you have for people looking at a similar career journey?

I've adopted Steve Jobs' words, "Stay hungry, stay foolish", as my personal motto. In our ever-changing world, I think staying adaptable and humble is key to embracing new opportunities for learning and growth.

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