Future-Proofing Business Operations with Predictive Maintenance

Future-Proofing Business Operations with Predictive Maintenance

Meet Rajat Kumar, Principal Data Scientist, Group Engineering Centre, and discover how predictive maintenance techniques can assist customers across various business segments to optimise their maintenance processes, improve equipment reliability and ultimately drive efficiency and cost savings.

Q: Describe what you do at ST Engineering.

I lead the data science team and projects related to predictive maintenance for the Group Engineering Centre. By making use of data analysis and advanced technologies like machine learning, I connect the technical and management aspects of businesses, effectively translating business requirements into data-driven solutions.

 Q: What are some real-world applications of your work?

For businesses to succeed, they need to be proactive. Data science, a problem-solving technique that uses creativity to reconcile research and business objectives, enables that.

Using predictive maintenance techniques, I assist customers across business segments like Commercial Aerospace, Land Systems, and Marine to future-proof their operations by predicting equipment failures. This enables them to schedule maintenance activities accordingly and take a more proactive approach to minimising downtime.

It is truly gratifying to see the impact we can make together in optimising maintenance processes, improving equipment reliability, and ultimately driving efficiency and cost savings.

Q: What aspects of working in ST Engineering do you find most fulfilling?

Working in ST Engineering has been an incredibly rewarding experience for me. Not only do I have the opportunity to apply my expertise, and contribute to the success of key initiatives, I also have the privilege of mentoring and guiding young engineers across the Group.

Witnessing their growth and development brings me a great sense of fulfillment!

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